Today was the Volcano’s ‘Ōhi’a Lehua Half Marathon . It was a really wet, but fun run. This race is the longest I’ve run since my injury. So, I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. I knew I was going to get to the end, but I had no idea what my time would be. Since, it was raining I didn’t use my headphones, and made it the whole race. I have never run this far before without headphones. It was nice to hear all the animals and talk to people along the way. I finished at 2h28m. Could I have done better? Probably, but I had more fun just enjoying the run. There was a prize for the best dance at the finish line, and I won this cool bee.boys hat after attempting the floss dance. The race had some super cool swag. It was a wonderful inaugural event. I hope it becomes a yearly event.
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